

Body Training Basics: The Yoga of Strength

Body training is almost entirely left out of Bardon’s first book Initiation into Hermetics aside from some introductory information on “asana.” The electric, and magnetic, lines of force are also poorly understood by most practitioners as well. These are meant…

Initial Experiences with the Kabbalah

After a few years of publishing hell, the book is now available. All about Kabbalah as we practice it. It may be found at Amazon: An excerpt from the beginning…. “I am unaware of any special relationship between the…

An Hour of Practice

Functionally speaking practitioners of the various schools of meditation largely utilize seated, and to a much lesser degree standing, methods of training the energies associated with their systems. For efforts centered around out of body projection and astral energy effects…

On Waking Gods Long Dead

Found knowledge is a common theme in esoteric writing. Some random person makes contact with a random entity who proceeds to share various “wisdom of the ages with them.” Most of the time what gets revealed is, well, not very…

A Practitioners Lifecycle

The nature of practice changes as we age. When I was younger the practices linked to the power center in the lower abdomen, the lower dantien as espoused in Asian practice, made up the majority of what I did. The…

Astral Energy: Where Physicality Begins to End

Astral energy, where to start with this one… The astral level of existence is one in which the sensation of the passage of time is suspended, but the spatial aspects of perception are largely retained. Emotion is sourced from here…

Mental Energy: The Realm of Concepts

he mental realm of existence is where perception of both time and space begin to break down. Traditionally this is associated with the energy center in the head. The subtle body associated with mental energy is normally the one most…

Learning to Concentrate

The ability to concentrate is largely a learned skill for which both physical and cerebral methods exist. All of the available methodology is uncomfortable to one degree or another. One of the biggest crimes against boys, and young men, to…


Akashic energy, otherwise known as ether in Hermetic practice, manifests as a dark purple energy whose primary sensation is a penetrating vibration. Akashic energy is most often represented in tantric Buddhist iconography as a thin purple line surrounding the body…

A Good Reading List About Reality

A friend recently asked me for a reading list of books I suggest to others wanting to learn about meditation and the yogic arts. Interestingly, few are practice books. Most deal with violence, foreign cultures, historical figures and a side…