Eleven Primary Energies of Meditation

What are the energies?

Some describe the energies as a frequency, others use the term vibration, and people who have mastered the art of the Chinese metaphor describe them in a way that says a lot without saying anything at all. On a practical basis, the energies represent distinct vibrations within the body that generate specific effects. The vibrations can be clearly identified via replicable technique and strengthened from repeated practice using the same stress-adaptation[1] cycle that all physical phenomena involving living beings utilize.

Simply put, the more you work with them the better you get at manifesting and controlling them.

The list of primary energies are:

  1. Vital energy – The energy developed by living things
  2. Electric current – Projective force, yang, largely trained through fasciae tissue
  3. Magnetic current – Contractile force, yin, largely trained through fasciae tissue
  4. Fire energy – Hot and expansive, red in color
  5. Air Energy – Light and floating, blue in color
  6. Water Energy – Cool and sinking, green in color
  7. Earth Energy – Heavy and still, gold in color
  8. Astral – Manifests as a sensation of suspension of time
  9. Mental – Manifests as a sensation of suspension of physical parameters
  10. Akasha/Ether – Manifests as a dark purple substance, both timeless and spaceless, from which all of the lower energies may be drawn
  11. Non-dual Light – Manifests as the light of pure consciousness, typically associated with “true” enlightenment

The primary energies represent those whose mastery will result in complete enlightenment, freedom from karma and the ability to return to the pure consciousness from which we all derive. Working with these energies for the purpose of unification with God is often referred to as theurgy.[2] Working with these energies for the purpose of accomplishing something practical in the here and now is often referred to as thaumaturgy.

[1] Physical stress applied to a human being results in tissue damage and exhaustion that upon recovery results in the human being becoming stronger as a result of growth in the previously damaged tissue.

[2] Theurgy means ‘divine-working’. The first recorded use of the term is found in the mid-second century neo-Platonist work, the Chaldean Oracles (Fragment 153 des Places (Paris, 1971): ‘For the theourgoí do not fall under the fate-governed herd’).

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