The Four Elements: The Heart of Magic


Fire Energy: Fire energy is associated with the body from the bottom of the throat notch to the top of the head, manifests in a red color, feels expansive and hot, and the sound of “ssss.”

Fire energy is the first of the elemental energies to split from the electric current. It is also related to willpower, the mental body and when properly manifested can be projected into as the fire realm.

As with all of the elemental energies it can be manifested both within and outside of the human body. If being used to establish equilibrium within the body, it is contained within the area stretching from the top of the head to the bottom of the throat notch. It also changes characteristics depending upon the level at which it is manifested. On the physical level it manifests as heat and explosive force, on the astral level as a red expansive force that improves clairvoyance/subtle vision and on a mental level as willpower. Working with fire energy on the mental level greatly reinforces willpower and can give a practitioner a raging headache, along with certain psychological problems, if done in an imbalanced manner.

Manifestation depends upon the method in which the “sss” sound is generated. On a physical level the sound is vocalized loudly via a vibrating sound that can be felt throughout the body. On an astral level it is vocalized softly in almost a whisper and, finally, on a mental level the sound is generated silently in the mind.

The king set meditation for this phenomenon involves a kind of astral projection into what can only be described as the fire realm. While methods vary, a common description involves the building of a substantial amount of the phenomena within the body. The practitioner will engage the “ssss” sound and visualize jumping into a volcano and travelling to the center of the earth. Some system utilized a specific hand gesture/mudra or body posture as well. At this point a specific secondary phenomenon engages confirming success. Many people report meeting fire elementals while doing this. As such, this can be a very destabilizing, and somewhat dangerous, experience for the unprepared.

Note, this is not the same as projecting your consciousness into the sun. That technique is representative of an exercise specific to planetary phenomena and the solar energies are the harshest and most destabilizing of all the planetary forces. As such this is to be avoided at all costs, barring proper preparation. Planetary energies, unlike the eleven primary phenomena, are generally very harsh in comparison and can mimic various states of insanity in the unprepared. Needless to say, engaging those forces takes substantial preparation and experience. Many descriptions of hallucinogenic trips gone “wrong”, or bad, seem to describe experiences with the planetary energies among the unprepared.

If you want to learn how to generate elemental fire check out the Master Course: Master Course (


Air Energy: Air energy is associated with the body from the bottom of the throat notch to the solar plexus, manifests in a light blue color, feels light and moist, and the sound of “rrrr.”

Air energy is not a true element, but rather the meeting ground between the fire and water energies. It is also related to intellect, the astral body and when properly manifested can be projected into as the air realm.

As with all of the elemental energies it can be manifested both within and outside of the human body. If being used to establish equilibrium within the body, it is contained within the area stretching from the bottom of the throat notch to the solar plexus. It also changes characteristics depending upon the level at which it is manifested. On the physical level it manifests as lightness, on the astral level as blue, floating force that improves clairaudience/subtle hearing and on a mental level as intellect. Working with air energy on the physical level greatly reinforces endurance activities and can result in an asthma attack, if done in an imbalanced manner.

Manifestation depends upon the method in which the “rrrr” sound is generated. On a physical level the sound is vocalized loudly via a vibrating sound that can be felt throughout the body. On an astral level it is vocalized softly in almost a whisper and, finally, on a mental level the sound is generated silently in the mind.

The king set meditation for this phenomenon involves a kind of astral projection into what can only be described as the air realm. While methods vary, a common description involves the building of a substantial amount of the phenomena within the body. The practitioner will engage the “rrrr” sound and visualize being thrown into the sky. Some system utilized a specific hand gesture/mudra or body posture as well. At this point a specific secondary phenomenon engages confirming success. Many people report meeting air elementals while doing this. As such, this can be a very destabilizing, and somewhat dangerous, experience for the unprepared.


Water energy: Water energy is associated with the body from the bottom of the solar plexus to the hip joint, manifests in an emerald, green color, feels cool and condensing, and the sound of “mmmm.”

Water energy is the primary elemental energy to diverge from the magnetic current. It is also related to sensation, the astral body and when properly manifested can be projected into as the water realm.

As with all of the elemental phenomena it can be manifested both within and outside of the human body. If being used to establish equilibrium within the body, it is contained within the area stretching from the bottom of the bottom of the solar plexus to the hip joint. It also changes characteristics depending upon the level at which it is manifested. On the physical level it manifests as cold, on the astral level as green, inward pulling force that improves clairsentience/subtle sensation and on a mental level as feeling. Working with water energy on the astral level greatly reinforces emotional sensitivity and can result in largely living in isolation, if done in an imbalanced manner.

Manifestation depends upon the method in which the “mmmm” sound is generated. On a physical level the sound is vocalized loudly via a vibrating sound that can be felt throughout the body. On an astral level it is vocalized softly in almost a whisper and, finally, on a mental level the sound is generated silently in the mind.

The king set meditation for this phenomenon involves a kind of astral projection into what can only be described as the water realm. While methods vary, a common description involves the building of a substantial amount of the phenomena within the body. The practitioner will engage the “mmmm” sound and visualize jumping into a lake, or ocean, and diving down to the bottom. Some system utilized a specific hand gesture/mudra or body posture as well. At this point a specific secondary phenomenon engages confirming success. Many people report meeting water elementals while doing this. As such, this can be a very destabilizing, and somewhat dangerous, experience for the unprepared.


Earth energy: Earth energy is associated with the body from the hips to the feet, manifests in a bright golden color, feels both heavy and still, and is associated with the sound of “ahhh.”

Earth energy, like air energy, is not a true element and rather the combination of all of the other three elements. It is also related to consciousness, the physical body and when properly manifested can be projected into as the earth realm.

As with all of the elemental phenomena it can be manifested both within and outside of the human body. If being used to establish equilibrium within the body, it is contained within the area body from the hips to the feet. It also changes characteristics depending upon the level at which it is manifested. On the physical level it manifests as the sensation of heaviness and/or gravity, on the astral level as golden, condensing force that improves subtle taste and/or smell and on a mental level as consciousness. Working with earth energy on the physical level greatly reinforces the ability to absorb large amounts of blunt force trauma and can result in melancholy and obesity, if done in an imbalanced manner.

Manifestation depends upon the method in which the “ahhh” sound is generated. On a physical level the sound is vocalized loudly via a vibrating sound that can be felt throughout the body. On an astral level it is vocalized softly in almost a whisper and, finally, on a mental level the sound is generated silently in the mind.

The king set meditation for this phenomenon involves a kind of astral projection into what can only be described as the earth realm. While methods vary, a common description involves the building of a substantial amount of the phenomena within the body. The practitioner will engage the “ahhh” sound and visualize projecting deep into the earth sometimes towards a cave. Some systems utilize a specific hand gesture/mudra or body posture as well. At this point a specific secondary phenomenon engages confirming success. Many people report meeting earth elementals while doing this. As such, this can be a very destabilizing, and somewhat dangerous, experience for the unprepared.

And of course, if you want to learn about how all of these are used read this article: Kabbalistic Letter Practice: What Happens When You Look Behind the Curtains – SixtySkills

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