New (i.e. Lucid) Meditating on the Sephirot: Impacting the Causal Realm (Part 1)

meditating on the universe

As some may be aware, I’ve been working on a series of meditations involving the Sephirot/AKA the Causal Realm over the last several months.

Currently, I am finishing my work with Chesed before tacking Daath and moving on to the Supernal Triad (Binah, Chokmah, and Kether) in the causal realm. The effects of these meditations are profound and more of an amplification of what I’ve read on the topic than a one-for-one experience.

And that requires an explanation…

Many people within the Hermetic community, and even more amongst the Haredi, work with the Sephirot. Yet, their descriptions of the results of doing so are largely psychological and diffuse in their descriptions. This is in contrast to the fairly visceral response the members of my private practice group have experienced. In turn, this created much confusion on my end for a very long period of time.

Following conversations with others what I found was everyone else was leaving something out or skipping steps.

Arnold Schwarzenegger says it best, “First you have to learn the rules, before you can break the rules.” Randomly smashing buttons on a keyboard is not music, it’s just noise. And so, it is with the Sephirot.

The cover of Franz Bardon’s Key to the True Kabbalah appears to be sending a clear message that first come the elements, next the planets, third the Zodiac and finish with the Sephirot as a description of the structure of the universe.

This diagram is a modification of one I’ve seen from time to time in Haredi circles as Bardon’s is missing the Hebrew characters.

So, if you want to learn how to work with the fundamental forces of the universe then following this same pattern provides a good guide to doing so.

Yet no one does this. Most people go directly to the planets for spirit magic purposes and then to the Sephirot. A few people work with the letters, and I’ve never met anyone who properly worked through the Zodiac.

While I’ve understood, and explained ad nauseum the key role body training plays in the meditative process, I did not understand until recently the role of ritual and structure in what I’ve been doing.

The skipping the steps of learning to work with the letters, and the Zodiac, greatly reduces the efficacy of the Sephirot meditations.

On a basic level the letters work with your vital force and physical body. Working with them literally changes your body and fasciae. This is one of the reasons why people often experience physical exhaustion when learning to work with the letters and over time have many health problems resolve seemingly on their own.

The planets largely impact the astral. This is why people describe huge energetic, or sensation related, effects when working with them and why the spirits associated with the planets have outsized personalities while simultaneously receiving large amounts of information. The egregoric aspect of these entities is hard to understate.

The Zodiac powers, and entities, are mostly mental in nature. The provide much in the way of information and can appear almost ghostly, or less physical, when summoned and worked with. It is also why many people find it hard to engage with them if approached casually. The more ethereal powers much be approached with purpose (i.e. a reason) or they are very hard to comprehend as they are so far removed from our level of reality. This is also true of the outer planets for those who have worked with them. Here is a little more information on the Zodiac meditations: Meditations on the Zodiac – SixtySkills

The Sephirot is interesting in that it can be worked with on multiple levels of reality, but become strongest when engaged at the Akashic/Void level. This is most interesting as it is the realm of causes, otherwise known as the causal, out of which all phenomena spring.

In terms of basic powers this is how these different levels of reality work. Whether the planets are the source of astral energy, or merely close enough to work that way, is unclear. The same can be said of the letters, the Zodiac and the Sephirot.

So, this explains the fundamental functions of these things.

What is often left out, or simply ignored, is the ritual, and structure, of how to engage these forces.

A way, and mostly likely the proper way, to engage these is through learning basic esoteric practices via a complete system. This consists of training the body, learning how to work with energy/sensation, focusing the mind, developing the “clair” skills (clairaudience and clairsentience being primary), projecting out of the body, etc.

Then when these can be performed working with the letters takes place next. Again, these largely impact both the physical and the vital levels of reality.

Next come the planets, followed by the Zodiac and the Sephirot.

Leaving any of these out results in a loss of development that is precisely focused on a specific level of reality.

“But I didn’t do it that way and I can still access the Sephirot/xxx,” you say.

True as all of these things bleed into the other levels of reality, so the overlap makes things work to a degree. But it also prevents a higher level of development as something has been left out. On a certain level this is about optimal forms of training versus sub-optimal.

When properly learned, and developed, in this order the effects are much stronger.

Everyone I’ve met who has done this develops very strong transmission and manifestation skills at a minimum. Clair skills develop as well along with many other gifts. The include things like access to the various Kabbalistic libraries, a deep understanding of karma and the ability to impact things at the causal level. The siddhis are real in this context and enlightenment usually happens quickly. You literally learn how to bend reality to your will. On a certain level this a way to make magicians/wizards versus sorcerers, but that is another discussion.

My suspicion is that completing the meditations all the way up to Kether, AKA the path of enlightenment, results in a practitioner being able to complete immerse themselves in non-dual light upon command. This is otherwise known as the true Tao, Nirvana or God to those members of the monotheistic faiths. This corresponds to the development of an arahant in Theravada Buddhism. I also suspect this grants them the ability to project others into this state spontaneously as well. I will let you know when I get there.

The next article will cover the ritual nature of what is happening and just how to get there. As well as my thoughts on what comes next.

If you want to learn a complete system of development that can allow you to achieve enlightenment in as little as 18 months, check out the Master Course over at Perseus Arcane Academy:

Master Course (

For a recent video on my experiences with the Sephirot, you can take a look at the SixtySkills YouTube channel here:

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10 months ago

Hey Sixty, thanks for that great article!

It really motivates me to continue my practice 🙂

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